
Back in the city today. I'm currently in bed (after getting up and getting back in like 5 times). 
I woke up today to my mothers face RIGHT above mine asking if I wanted to go to the sticker factory with her and my father (to buy stuff for her class). Obviously if you know me, you'd know how torn I was over sleeping or sticker shopping. Since I got in kinda late last night and have such a hectic weekend ahead of myself, I opted for the lazier choice. As soon as I told my mother my decision, she felt the need to sit down and chat with me, then the phone rang (she made me answer-it was my cousin)....All I'm trying to say with this nonsense is that I just got home and I've already been thrown into the Hamawaki Insanity. Being half a Hamawaki and having grown up in this chaos, I like to think that I can deal pretty well but after being in guelph in a hammer free lifestyle without this type of chaotic morning (mom in room, cousin calling, aunt/uncle dropping by, other cousin calling), it's hard to get thrown into it again. Oh well, this is just the lifestyle I've been born into. 

p.s. I actually secretly enjoy it. hah. once my lack of sleep kicks in I'll start hating again.

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