
so most of my blogs come from me looking at other blogs and being like OH EM GEE THATS AMAZING I'M DOING IT TOO.

aka marg made a list of summer activities to be done.
so heres mine:

1. trip with the girls
2. wine tasting
3. spend a HOT, SUNNY day on a patio 
4. tfc game!
5. drive in movie
6. beer fest
7. ontario place
8. island day
9. yoga classes
10. finish reading my freaking book-probably wont happen until this dumb course is done
11. make a cardboard cutout of myself

k that'll be enough for today! i'll obviously try to think up more!

In other news,

marg, i want this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPwZE-1h5YA&feature=player_embedded

and this is so cute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMIRwCNvI94&feature=player_embedded#at=188


I am MIA.


In the meantime, here are some things I want to do:

1. Homemade Glitter.
DIY glitter! Preheat the oven to 350. Place salt (table salt/sea salt) into a small bowl. Add drop of food coloring and mix with the salt. Spread mixture onto a baking sheet in one layer. Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Let cool, then transfer into a storage container for use.

2. Insane Nails

Crazy nails! Get a bowl of water. Add a bit of each of the nail polish colour you'd like to use (it should seperate from the water). Dip your nails in!