
I'm in love with britney.
dont judge me, you know you love her too.



Today I got a day bed.

dream come true.

I have ALWAYS wanted a day bed. My room currently has a little back room covered in windows which is where I've dreamed of putting my day bed for years! I can't lie, I'm sleeping on it tonight. Thats where my level of excitements at.

HOPEFULLY one day you're lucky enough to come see it!

Plan for tomorrow (day off):
-wake up,
-get coffee,
-sit and read in my day bed.



Every so often I feel the need to spend a day relaxing. Lately, I've been trying to take on as many shifts as possible in order to save up more money for Europe. In doing so, I've found myself becoming a bit tired.

Soooo, today I got my hair cut and then got my nails done with my mom, then went off to the jazz fest (as per tradtions). Anyways, it was so nice to end up not working at all today. Plus, since I had such a fun shift last night with so many good people working, it made it even better.

Back to work tomorrow though!!


I recently booked my trip to europe for the summer!!! I'm clearly excited.

Anyways, my plan is to fly out of here on the 20th and get into London on the 21st. From there I'll be meeting friends and hanging out until the 23rd when we'reflying out to croatia...and meeting more friends. THEN, we all get to wander around there for a while until around the 29th when me and my on friend are boating to Venice!!! So then after that I'm flying back to London and then back home to prepare for another (final) year at G!

Anyone have any Venice or Croatia or London activities to suggest to me so I can have a super fun time?


so most of my blogs come from me looking at other blogs and being like OH EM GEE THATS AMAZING I'M DOING IT TOO.

aka marg made a list of summer activities to be done.
so heres mine:

1. trip with the girls
2. wine tasting
3. spend a HOT, SUNNY day on a patio 
4. tfc game!
5. drive in movie
6. beer fest
7. ontario place
8. island day
9. yoga classes
10. finish reading my freaking book-probably wont happen until this dumb course is done
11. make a cardboard cutout of myself

k that'll be enough for today! i'll obviously try to think up more!

In other news,

marg, i want this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPwZE-1h5YA&feature=player_embedded

and this is so cute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMIRwCNvI94&feature=player_embedded#at=188


I am MIA.


In the meantime, here are some things I want to do:

1. Homemade Glitter.
DIY glitter! Preheat the oven to 350. Place salt (table salt/sea salt) into a small bowl. Add drop of food coloring and mix with the salt. Spread mixture onto a baking sheet in one layer. Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Let cool, then transfer into a storage container for use.

2. Insane Nails

Crazy nails! Get a bowl of water. Add a bit of each of the nail polish colour you'd like to use (it should seperate from the water). Dip your nails in!


Summer...so far

I feel like my summer has been crazy busy so far!

This summer I am working at Real Sports Bar and Grill as well as taking a summer course and working random days for my cousin at DT Print Solutions. In between all of that, I've been attempting to redo my room. I used to hate having my bed by the windows because I'm the most paranoid person ever and fully believe people will break in through those windows as I sleep. Anyways, I'm moderately over that fear due to my room/bed/window placement in Guelph and have decided I want my bed by the windows. I also want to paint...we'll see how that goes though. I have also been trying to take more dance classes this summer since I've got the time..but so far that's not working out too well... It's still early though

ANYWAYS, i just felt the need to blog something (anything).



Ted Talk-Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed

I would say I'm a pretty calm person, but when I fly I always wonder what I would think or feel if I knew the plane was going to crash. I know I would think about my family and friends..but I really can't say that I know exactly how I would react.

This happened to Ric Elias,  here is what he thought.

I would recommend watching some of the other ted talks too if you've got the time. I'll post some others I find interesting later on.


Bethenny Frankel

I can't stop watching Bethenny's shows!
First it was the Real Housewives of NYC, then Bethenny getting married and now Bethenny Ever after!

I don't know if you've ever watched but in Bethenny getting married she has a wedding planner named Shawn Rabideau and he is IDENTICAL to Tony Hale who plays Buster Bluth in Arrested Development. Too Funny!

Check this out:

WHO'S WHO?!?!?!



Jewellery I Want:

Since I attempted to spend my day studying...I found a ton of stuff I want. OBVIOUSLY. 

Pippa Small: 18 Karat gold chrysophase pendant necklace

Canessa Kandiyoti: Diamond and sapphire hamsa bracelet

Carolina Bucci: Lucky 18 Karat gold tie bracelet

Anita Ko: Spike 14 Karat gold studs
(joe gave me some from korea)

Pippa Small: 18 Karat gold labradorite bracelet
Ileana Makri: Peace 18 Karat rose gold diamond ring


Fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the weekend.

It's Saturday, Happy Weekend!

I'm working today 11:30 to 2:30 and again 4 to 7. That means after today I have only one more training session!

My Weekend PLans:

-annoy roomies ;)
-meet cindy

in other news, i'm all about the wink face these days ahahah.

have a good weekend!


Summer Heights High

After my first exam today, I came home and began cleaning my room.
Once everything was done and I had my laundry was started, I moved onto watching Summer Heights High.

SO there's 3 main characters:

1. Mr. G

2. Ja'mie King
3. Jonah Takalua

I dont even think I could choose a fav if I had to! They're all amazing.


Real Sports, Day One

On Tuesday I had my first day of work. I was obviously terrified...and therefore only ate bananas (thanks for the tip, marg!). So anyways, I got there and did my first "host training" shift. It was super fun! I literally just walked people to their tables (although it was hard to learn the tables) and everyone was super friendly so it worked out well. Oh and it was cool because Matt Lashoff came in and he's like all cool these days since his true talent came out (view here) haha.

3 hours later.

i had a nice break with another girl who was training and just ate and tried to not fall asleep! And then set back in (this time in flats) for my "expo training."

So what the hell is expo...amiright? well, i learned! It just means I take the plates from the kitchen to the people at their tables. THIS WAS THE DEATH OF ME. I specifically did not want to be a server because I knew I was incapable. I cannot carry things...my arms were sore for days after (yes, they still hurt now!) and I have never been more happy of my decision to not serve and just host. thank god. seriously.

Long story short, I'm super excited about my summer and I think it'll be so much fun working there. I cannot wait. wooooo.

Hope you can all drop by and visit me sometime soon please!

next work day: Saturday. I have "barback training" and another "expo training"


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

In grade 7 I started at a new school. It was a middle school called EAST. It's literally all about social justice. Anyways, I remember the first thing I learned there was this quote about power corrupting. I had no  idea what that meant or why I was to learn that.

Now that I'm reading all this news on Ivory Coast about Gbagbo, all I can think of is that all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

I started reading a book called Africa by Richard Dowden. It talked a lot about African leaders basically coming into power and how they often have trouble stepping down. For example, Gbagbo in Ivory Coast!

It's so hard for me to understand that someone who is (or was) in charge of a country can allow for their country to become so torn apart. I have trouble knowing that there are so many people dying in the Ivory Coast right now and others are just witnessing it, when really, it's so unnecessary! I think it's safe to say that Ouattara won the election. As Gbagbo, who ran the country for like 10 years, I would give up the thrown like a gentleman because obviously I would want the best for my country. How can a man who has been the head of a country for so long then let so many of his people die basically because he wont give up his power. It's ridiculous!  But then again, it's clearly a theme in Africa.

When I was in Africa, I know I spoke to a lot of the kids there and they'd tell me what they wanted to be when they grow up. Most of them wanted to have a good job so they could make a lot of money. It seems like money is important, which is kinda understandable...to a degree. I imagine that Gbagbo (and many other African leaders) wanted that too, so when they eventually got to the point where they had money (and power) in leading their country...they got used to it.

Gbagbo finally obtained that power and I'm sure he had great plans for his country but eventually it all became corrupt and now look at where things are going.

I read a couple articles today and one of them said that even if the political and military fights were to stop, the sexual harrassments, killings and lootings would probably escalate in communities across the country. Isn't that insane.

Ouattara has said that this will be over soon, so I'm hoping he is right! Things are becoming better but I think that there's still a bit to go.
UN Peacekeepers in Abidjan

UN Contingent Secures Site for Ivorians Displaced by Post-Electoral Fighting

Ivorian Refugees in Liberia


More things I want

I'm recently liking a lot of more bold, outrageous pieces like these bracelets from DANNIJO

1. Aurora:

2. Norma:
3. Stanton:

4. Rima:


Comes in so many colours!

5. Demi:


Hangover II

I feel like I find stupid movies too funny. More and more I find myself only watching stupidly funny shows and movies. I need to get a life.

When I was little, I used to read a lot of gossip girl type books. My older cousin, Aaron, would tell me I read "meat-less" or "vegetarian" books. Apparently this is something that has stuck with me...and now transfered into movies I was as well.


p.s. this movie is identical to the first, just a new place and different dumb things happening. i wish i didn't want to watch it.


skills and interests

 You know when you're filling out forms or applications with the section called "skills and interests?" I hate that section. Why? Well lemme fill ya in. I have like no skills and a small amount of interests. This is why I have decided to organize a list of things I am skilled at as well as a list of things I am interested in. Please feel free to comment and help...I need it!


  1. Skiing
  2. Dance
  3. Hockey
  4. Travelling

No lie, I'm stuck there. Please assist me so I no longer feel stupidly skill-less.


Sweet Dreams

Since I'm about to sleep and just can't stop thinking about freaking wars and deaths and shootings and whatnot, I'm watching Arrested Development.

All I have to say is: mayonegg.

try to not laugh (and gag).

Ivory Coast

I almost went to Ivory Coast this summer. I was in Ghana (in case you didn't know by now) and had just over a week to travel around on my own and I seriously considered going to Ivory Coast. I'm like 100% sure I would have loved my time there.

and now..... there is THIS.

It actually is disgusting that there is like a civil war breaking out there and like really, what is being done. It is so stupid. I get that Libya has a lot to work with in order to get things more in order...but really does that make it okay to just ignore the tragedies occurring in this other country?

Even the horrible tsunami in Japan has got more coverage than the war in Ivory Coast. Don't get me wrong that tsunami was so upsetting to have to watch and even more upsetting to see how much damage it caused. But isn't it ...funny....that everything was going on in Ivory Coast before that (and is just becoming worse as time goes on), yet there was way more done for Japan. (THIS DOES NOT MEAN DON'T HELP JAPAN-I LOVE YOU, JAPAN!). It just boggles my mind that so little is being done to help out Ivory Coast end this civil war.

I never thought I would live in a time where wars were going on. I guess I'm stupidly optimistic like that (and I don't really count the war on afghanistan or iraq). But there is so much going on right now in Africa and the Middle East right now (war wise) and it is just freaking me out. Someone explain all this to me or something pleaseeeeee

Sorry if that makes no sense, I'm exhausted and freaked out by war. thats all.


some facts for ya (via bbc news):

One million people have fled the violence - mostly from the main city Abidjan - and at least 462 people have been killed since December, according to the UN.
In Abidjan, 240km (150 miles) south of Yamoussoukro, the UN says attacks on civilians by pro-Gbagbo youths have continued.
* (UGH, youth/child soldiers in general makes me sad!)
The enrolment of these youths into the army was due to start on Wednesday to replace soldiers who are not turning up for work or who have changed sides, our correspondent says.

An estimated 40,000 people have taken refuge in a church compound in Duekoue to escape the fighting.
There is impatience here with the fact that Mr Gbagbo's refusal to leave office has led to the re-emergence of the front line that splits the country between north and south.



☮: GOOD MORNING: "I'm not a breakfast person, but I love coffee with a light snack (banana, toast, or maybe a piece of chocolate?). What do you like to have ..."


I have noticed you enjoy eating chocolate bars for breakfast. That is REAL NICE. I on the other hand prefer to just have a coffee. thanks for asking!


Mike Zigomanis
Nazem Kadri

Joe Colborne
Fabian Brunnstrom
Christian Hanson
Simon Gysbers
Alex Foster
Matt Lashoff
Ryan Hamilton
Marcel Mueller

Nana Attakora
Chad Barrett
Jim Brennan
Adrian Cann
Sam Cronin
Julien de Guzman
Dwayne De Rosario
Maicon Santos
Gabe Gala


I finally got a job for this summer. I'll be hostessing at real sports bar and grill. I'm super excited to be employed just so I can get that worry off my back for now. 

I had my orientation last week at  real sports. I've gone to eat and hang out there a few times, but this time I got to go all over the place and was shocked to see how big the place really is. It's insane. 

Anyways, I was given some homework: learn the names and faces of the main players of each of MLSE's 4 teams....here goes nothing:

Maple Leafs:
these are the top 10 (points wise) via http://mapleleafs.nhl.com/club/stats.htm
Phil Kessel
Clarke MacArthur
Mikhail Grabovski
Nikolai Kulemin
Dion Phaneuf
Tyler Bozak
Joffrey Lupul
Colby Armstrong
Tim Brent
Luke Schenn
This one's just a shout out:
James Reimer

Andrea Bargnani

Demar Derozan
Leandro Barbosa

Amir Johnson

Jose Calderon

Sonny Weems
Linas Kleiza
Jerryd Bayless 
Ed Davis
Julian Wright